O'r Graig y mae'n dylifo maes

(Cynhaliaeth y Cristion)
O'r Graig y mae'n dylifo maes,
Yn afon ddysglaer loew las,
  Sef Craig yr Oesoedd gadarn yw;
A thyna'r man
    y gwna fy lle,
Tan gysgod tawel
    furiau'r ne',
  Lle caf ddyddanwch tra b'wyf byw.

'Ryw'n cofio gair fy Iesu mawr,
Y doi'r Dyddanydd ata'i lawr,
  Na chawn i farw
      o dristwch mwy;
O Dduw, cyflawna'th air i ben,
Rho im' Arweinydd is y nen,
  Ddangoso'r ffordd iachao 'nghlwy'.

A raid i gystudd garw'r groes,
I ganlyn f'ysbryd ddydd a nos?
  Os rhaid, gwna fi'n foddlon iawn:
Dàn ganu gwna fi fyn'd y'mlaen,
Sef canu yn y dŵr a'r tân,
  O foreu 'mywyd hyd brydnawn.

Yn ymchwydd yr Iorddonen gref,
Dàl, f'enaid, afael ynddo ef,
  Mae'r tònau'n fawrion iawn eu grym;
Âf trwyddynt, er
    nad wyf ond gwàn,
Os cedwi Di fy mhen i'r làn,
  'Fydd tonnau mawrion i mi ddim.

             - - - - -

O'r graig y mae'n dylifo maes
Yr afon ddysglaer, loew, las,
  Sef Craig yr oesoedd, cadarn yw:
A thyma'r man
    y gwnaf fy lle -
Tan gysgod tawel
    furiau'r ne',
  Lle caf ddyddanwch tra f'wyf byw.

Tydi addewaist, Arglwydd mawr,
Y deu'r Dyddanydd ata'i lawr,
  Na chawn i farw
      o dristwch mwy.
O Dduw! cyflawna'th air i ben,
Rho im' Arweinydd îs y nen
  Ddangoso'r ffordd, iachâo 'nghlwy'.

O! anfon y Dyddanydd pur,
Y golofn dân mewn anial dir,
  Sy'n dwyn y praidd
      o'r Aipht i'r nef:
Hwn, â'i oleu perffaith, sydd
Yn gwneuthur nos yn ganol dydd -
    Fy holl ddyddanwch ydyw Ef.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
Llangoedmor (alaw Gymreig)
Llangollen (P Nicolai 1556-1608)
Newcourt (Hugh Bond)

  A raid i gystudd garw'r groes
  Mi deithiais ran o'r anial maith
  'Rwy'n cofio gair fy Iesu mawr

From the Rock there is flowing out,
As a clear, bright, blue river,
  That is, the Rock of the Ages is firm;
And there is the location
    I will make my place,
Under the quiet shadow
    of the walls of heaven,
  Where I may get comfort while I live.

I remember the word of my great Jesus,
The Comforter shall come down to me,
  That I not get to die
      from sadness any more;
O God, fulfil thy word,
Give me a Leader below the sky,
  Who will show the way to heal my wound.

Must the rough affliction of the cross
Follow my spirit day and night?
  If they must, make me very faithful:
While singing make me go forward,
That is singing in the water and the fire,
  From my life's morning until evening.

In the swelling of the strong Jordan,
Keep, my soul, a grip on him,
  The waves are of very great force;
I will go through them, although
    I am only weak,
If thou keep my head up,
  The great waves shall be nothing to me.

               - - - - -

From the Rock there is flowing out,
As a clear, bright, blue river,
  That is, the Rock of the Ages is firm;
And there is the location
    I will make my place,
Under the quiet shadow
    of the walls of heaven,
  Where I may get comfort while I live.

Thou didst promise, great Lord,
The Comforter shall come down to me,
  That I not get to die
      from sadness any more;
O God, fulfil thy word,
Give me a Leader below the sky,
  Who will show the way to heal my wound.

Oh, send the pure Comforter,
The pillar of fire in a desert land,
  Which leads the flock
      from Egypt to heaven:
He who with his perfect light is
Making night into midday -
  All my comfort is He.
tr. 2014,20 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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